You have to Wake up before it gets late:
1. News
The news is there to hack your attention. Not to keep you informed.
They want you to:
• Be Distracted
• Believe their lies
• Stay under their control
Observe with your mind not your eyes.
2. Failure
"You should avoid failure there is one correct answer."
Make mistakes so you can:
• Grow
• Learn
• Strengthen your skills
Nobody is born perfect. Embrace failure and see it as an opportunity to grow.
3. Work hard
You should work smart, not hard.
Don't get me wrong, it will still get hard sometimes, but they want you to trade your time for money your whole life.
1 Minute of your life is worth more than all money combined.
Stop valuing it more than your time.
4. Money
Until 1971, money was tied to gold, which gave money value.
Nowadays, money is tied to nothing. Money is basically worthless.
Learn how:
• To create money with no money
• To make money work for you
• Money works
or you will work your entire life for it.
5. Consumerism
Many people think fulfillment lies in materialistic things.
It lies in:
• Personal growth
• Relationships
• Self-love
and in contributing to something greater than ourselves.
You won't find fulfillment anywhere else.
6. Change is impossible
“Life is the way it is”
That's a lie. Life is what you make out of it.
Before you can live the life you want, you must become a person.
Change how you:
• Think
• Feel
• Act
and you can become almost anybody.
Read more
You have to Wake up before it gets late:
1. News
The news is there to hack your attention. Not to keep you informed.
They want you to:
• Be Distracted
• Believe their lies
• Stay under their control
Observe with your mind not your eyes.
2. Failure
"You should avoid failure there is one correct answer."
Make mistakes so you can:
• Grow
• Learn
• Strengthen your skills
Nobody is born perfect. Embrace failure and see it as an opportunity to grow.
3. Work hard
You should work smart, not hard.
Don't get me wrong, it will still get hard sometimes, but they want you to trade your time for money your whole life.
1 Minute of your life is worth more than all money combined.
Stop valuing it more than your time.
4. Money
Until 1971, money was tied to gold, which gave money value.
Nowadays, money is tied to nothing. Money is basically worthless.
Learn how:
• To create money with no money
• To make money work for you
• Money works
or you will work your entire life for it.
5. Consumerism
Many people think fulfillment lies in materialistic things.
It lies in:
• Personal growth
• Relationships
• Self-love
and in contributing to something greater than ourselves.
You won't find fulfillment anywhere else.
6. Change is impossible
“Life is the way it is”
That's a lie. Life is what you make out of it.
Before you can live the life you want, you must become a person.
Change how you:
• Think
• Feel
• Act
and you can become almost anybody.
You have to Wake up before it gets late:
1. News
The news is there to hack your attention. Not to keep you informed.
They want you to:
• Be Distracted
• Believe their lies
• Stay under their control
Observe with your mind not your eyes.
2. Failure
"You should avoid failure there is one correct answer."
Make mistakes so you can:
• Grow
• Learn
• Strengthen your skills
Nobody is born perfect. Embrace failure and see it as an opportunity to grow.
3. Work hard
You should work smart, not hard.
Don't get me wrong, it will still get hard sometimes, but they want you to trade your time for money your whole life.
1 Minute of your life is worth more than all money combined.
Stop valuing it more than your time.
4. Money
Until 1971, money was tied to gold, which gave money value.
Nowadays, money is tied to nothing. Money is basically worthless.
Learn how:
• To create money with no money
• To make money work for you
• Money works
or you will work your entire life for it.
5. Consumerism
Many people think fulfillment lies in materialistic things.
It lies in:
• Personal growth
• Relationships
• Self-love
and in contributing to something greater than ourselves.
You won't find fulfillment anywhere else.
6. Change is impossible
“Life is the way it is”
That's a lie. Life is what you make out of it.
Before you can live the life you want, you must become a person.
Change how you:
• Think
• Feel
• Act
and you can become almost anybody.
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