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Pushing 50thPushing 50th0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 198 Просмотры 0 предпросмотр
Wooden bridgeWooden bridge0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 105 Просмотры 0 предпросмотр
0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 76 Просмотры 0 предпросмотр
Septic system workshttps://www.facebook.com/share/TioAzrvg64V9TfbW/?mibextid=xfxF2i Septic system worksWWW.FACEBOOK.COMSoil absorbtion methods... - Construction TechniqueSoil absorbtion methods #soilpollution #soils #agriculture #soil #recycling #environment #soilhealth #soilscience #stopsoilpollution #healthysoil #soilgrown #tillage #farming #planting #farmland...0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 207 Просмотры 0 предпросмотр -
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTF2w8Fgw/ north Carolina floodhttps://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTF2w8Fgw/ north Carolina flood
@tetovanews Flooding in Carolina Beach in North Carolina #Downpours from Potential #Tropical #Cyclone 8 flood coastal areas along #North and #SouthCarolina #carolinabeach #lluviasfuertes🌧⚡ #lluvias #lluvia #tormentas #flood #floods #Hochwasserchaos #Überschwemmungen COASTAL CRISIS: State of emergency in effect as Carolina Beach, North Carolina, is inundated with over 10 inches of rain in just four hours. Residents are trapped, and rescue crews are overwhelmed #unwetter #maltempo #inondations #potop #povodně #povodeň #наводнение #потоп #powodź2024 #Powodź #dauerregen #starkregen #rainfall #rainfalls_⛈️ Heavy rainfall and gusty #winds clammed parts of the #Carolinas on Monday as an offshore low-pressure system inched closer to land. Sturmflut, Überschwemmungen, Orkanböen, Dauerregen, allagamento, allagamenti, ríosdesbordados, deslaves, desbordamientos, Lasfuerteslluvias, afectaciones, deslizamientosdetierra, trovoada, desastre, chuvada, Tempestade, Trovoada, Chovetorrencialmente, unwetter, grêlons, 洪水, Überflutungen, Hochwasser, فيضانات, Überflutetes, inondasyon, pluie, nevrijeme, nevreme, sel, banjir, heavyrain, potop, intempéries, storm, thunderstorm, tempestade, tempestades, diluvio, 大雨, 洪水, 災害, 冠水, فيضانات ,, trovoada, Gewitter, Sturmböen, allagate, temporale, tempesta, pioggia, inondés, bombadacqua, 洪水, chove, chovechuva, inunda, forteslluvias, lluviasfuertes, intensaslluvias, derrumbe, inundadas, burze, opady, podtopionych, podtopienia, Załamanie, pogody, ulewą, nevreme, potop, nevrijeme, Pluies, torrentielles, heavyrain, rainfall, orages, pioggia, orage, tempesta, sel, banjir, tempête, дождь, ливень, storm, гроза, наводнение, катастрофа, потоп, 洪水 villámárvíz, Negaiss, überschwemmungen, flood, flooding, floods, flashflood, HeavyRains, tormenta, rainfall, alluvione, lluvias, lluvia, chuvas, banjir, enchente, inundaciones, 洪水, thunderstorm, unwetter, unwetterwarnung, فيضانات, alagamentos, Wetterleuchten, prăpăd, vendaval, diluvia, Tugev tuul, hoovihmad, äike, Onweer en hagel, rainstorms villámárvíz, Powódź błyskawiczna, 洪水, Flash flooding, flash floods, flooded, flooding, Inundaţii, ploaia torențială, cheias, Inundación, Enchente, tugevat tormi, As cheias de rios e arroios, Chuvarada histórica, Ciclone extratropical causa alagamentos, Πλημμύρες, Temporale e devastazione, lampi e tuoni dal cielo, forti danni causati dal maltempo, Déluge, χαλάζι, κεραυνούς, βροχές, Regenfällen, dauerregen, Hochwasserlage, Sturmböen, Windböen, Gewitterzelle,flood stormflod, Unwetterunterbrechung, Heftige Gewitter mit Starkregen und Windböen, Danni e disagi per i violenti temporali in, Starkwind, sturmwetter, Durva vihar, Negaiss, Die extremen Sturmböen und die Gewitter, Ein heftiges Unwetter mit orkanartigen Sturmböen sorgte für Schäden, Stromausfälle, Sperren, Schäden, Eine kräftige Gewitterlinie mit orkanartigen Sturmböen, Windspitzen, Vent tempétueux, oluji, Llueve intensamente, megaoluje, nevrijeme nevreme olujno, superćelijska oluja, fırtına, furtuna, nevreme, nevrijeme, neurja, neurje, tempête, Strong Gusty Winds, Heavy to severe thunderstorms could bring wind gusts, furia del vento, bufera, Silné bouřky, supercela, Unwettern, град, ветер, шторм, дожди, ливень, ливни, буря, ураган, Потоп, Погода, гроза, Молния, штормовое предупреждение, krusa, vētra un stipras lietusgāzes, tugevat tormi, audra, pragaištingiausių audrų, galinga audra su stambios krušos epizodais, uvejr, Voldsomt uvejr, καταιγίδα, orkanstyrke, Chmury, grzmoty, błyski, Wiatr, χαλάζι, κεραυνούς, βροχές, Vendaval, derribó, temporal con fuertes ráfagas, Mau tempo,
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