Native American meaning in USA


Half of the US states, precisely 25, have names associated with Native American peoples.

Alabama: Named after the Alabama tribe or Alabama, who speaks the Muskog languages. There are different versions of the meaning: "growth cleaners" or "herb collectors".

Alaska: The name comes from the Aleutian word "alaxsxaq", meaning "mother".

Arizona: The name from the word "al " дonak" of the language of the O'odham people, meaning "small source".

Connecticut: The name from the word "quonehtacut" of the Mohican language, meaning "place of a long tidal river".

Hawaii: The initial word in Hawaiian, meaning Homeland.

Illinois: The name from the word "illiniwek", meaning "people".

Iowa: Named after the Iowa tribe, whose name translates to "grey snowflake."

Kansas: Named after the Kansas tribe, whose name translates to "people of the south wind."

Kentucky: The origin is unclear, perhaps the name from the Iroquoise word "Kentake", which means "in the meadow".

Massachusetts: The name from the word "Massadchu-es-et" of the Algonquin language, meaning "big-hill-little-place".

Michigan: From the word "Michigama" of the chippewa language, meaning "great lake".

Minnesota: Named from the word "Minisota" of the Dakota language, which means "white water".

Mississippi: Named after the river that was so named chocto, meaning great water or father of the waters.

Missouri: Named after a Missouri tribe whose name translates to "those who have canoes."