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#Documentary #Debt #CreditCard
As credit card companies faced rising public anger and new regulations from Washington in 2009, FRONTLINE examined the industry’s impact on a fragile national economy. (Aired 2009)
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In “The Card Game,” a collaboration with The New York Times, correspondent Lowell Bergman talked to industry insiders, lobbyists, politicians and consumer advocates as they debated new regulation designed to curtail the most abusive practices of credit card companies and the possible creation of a consumer finance protection agency.
“The Card Game” was a FRONTLINE co-production with Cam Bay Productions and The New York Times. Lowell Bergman and Oriana Zill de Granados wrote and produced the documentary. The correspondent was Lowell Bergman. Stephanie Challberg was the editor. Raney Aronson-Rath was senior producer. David Fanning was executive producer.
Release: 2009
Duration: 55 minutes
- Genres:
- Documentary
Views: 366
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